Matt Kressel has posted the table of contents for Sybil’s Garage #6, which is coming soon. As one of the editors who helped select this issue’s fiction, I have to say that this was the highest quality of submissions we’ve ever received, resulting in the finest stories published in the magazine to date. Matt has also done an amazing job with the layout of the issue, which has that distinctive and oh-so-original Sybil’s feel to it. Here’s the TOC:
Rumjhum Biswas “Mother’s Garden”
K. Tempest Bradford “Élan Vital”
Autumn Canter “Day of the Mayfly”
Becca De La Rosa “Not the West Wind”
Eric Del Carlo “Come the Cold”
Jason Heller “The Raincaller”
Paul Jessup “Heaven’s Fire ”
Vylar Kaftan “Fulgurite”
Keffy R. M. Kehrli “Machine Washable”
Sean Markey “Waiting for the Green Woman”
James B. Pepe “I am Enkidu, his Wild Brother”
Simon Petrie “Downdraft”
Genevieve Valentine “The Drink of Fine Gentlemen Everywhere”
Stephanie Campisi “Drinking Black Coffee at the Jasper Grey Café”
Toiya Kristen Finley “Eating Ritual”
Donald Norum “An Old Man Went Fishing on the Sea of Red”
Liz Bourke “The Girl”
Donna Burgess “Ashes”
Lyn C. A. Gardner “God’s Cat”
Alex Dally MacFarlane “The Wat”
Susannah Mandel “Metamorphic Megafauna”
Tracie McBride “An Ill Wind”
Kristen McHenry “Museum”
Jaime Lee Moyer “One by Moonlight ”
Daniel A. Rabuzzi “Backsight”
Michel Sauret “Brick Wall Giants”
Michel Sauret “Son of Man”
J.E. Stanley “City of Bridges”
Sonya Taaffe “Skiadas”
Marcie Lynn Tentchoff “Sun-Kissed”