The next issue of Electric Velocipede–a double-sized extravaganza–is out soon, featuring my story “Dear Annabehls.” It’s an epistolary story set in the same universe as my story “Snatch Me Another,” where our world is trying to come to grips with a device that allows us to “snatch” items from alternate dimensions. This technology raises assorted problems, both serious and mundane, that lead people to write to newspaper advice columnist Dear Annabehl, who has all the answers (sort of).
My fellow Altered Fluidians, K. Tempest Bradford and Matthew Kressel, share the table of contents with two great stories. (This is the second magazine this month [Interzone being the other] to feature three Fluidians). I’m also pleased to be in the same issue with Rick Bowes, Barbara Krasnoff and Darin Bradley.
John Klima did a beautiful job with the cover. I love the colors. Take a look:
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